
Schedule May 18 (Sat.)-May 21 (Tue.) 11:00-19:00
Venue G1 & G3 Exhibition Halls at Incheon Art Platform

The DIAFF has always posed questions about the entities and values beyond this world. In that case, what are the borders of film? Now, video content hovers between spaces, shapes, and platforms, and is making provocations by breaking through the conventional forms of film. That also applies to this year’s DIAFF. The “diasporic practices” implemented by the directors or artists are erasing the borders within cinema and are expanding in ever-changing ways. By gathering such films in one place and screening them in theaters and exhibition halls, the DIAFF will once again ask questions about the existential meaning of films. (Hyuksang Ksan LEE)

Exhibited Films
Gallery 1(G1)

Mouth to Mouth JUENG Hye-jin / Korea / 2023 / 7′
Grafted Words, Eliminated Names AN Yuri / Korea / 2023 / 11′
Track_ing LEE Chanyeol, CHO Hanna, Samgar RAKYM, Ali TYNYBEKOV / Korea, Kazakhstan / 2024 / 23′
Making a Map About Invisible Mountain JEONG Jinah / Korea / 2024 / 14′
Miss Kim Lilac CHUNG Jisoo / Korea, USA / 2023 / 19′

Gallery 3(G3)

Taiwan, the Foreign Land, and the Other SHIN Mijung / Korea / 2023 / 17′
The Wanderer's Portrait LIM Jisu / Korea / 2023 / 11′
Waves, Everywhere Kodac KO, Johannes MALFATTI / Korea, Germany / 2023 / 19′
From Ibyang-a to Ibyang-in: 70 years of Korean International Adoption KIMURA byol LEMOINE / Canada / 2023 / 12′
SEOLMUNDAE Maïté Minh Tâm Maeum JEANNOLIN / UK, Korea, Belgium / 2023 / 5′

[TALK] Why Do Artists Come to the Film Festival?
Date 5.18.(Sat) 16:00
Venue Incheon Art Platform Gallery 1(G1)
Host Lee Seungmin (Film Critic)
Panel AN Yuri (Director of Grafted Words, Eliminated Names), LEE Chanyeol and CHO Hanna (Directors of Track_ing), JEONG Jinah (Director of Making a Map About Invisible Mountain)

*The talk program requires advance reservations.