
Reservation Schedule
  • Online Reservations: May 7, 2024 (Tues.) 14:00 - 30 minutes before each film’s screening start time
  • Offline Site Ticketing: Ticket booth opening time - 10 minutes after each film’s screening starts
  • Price: All seats are free of charge
Reservation Guidelines
  • The 12th DIAFF operates with mobile tickets (QR tickets) only.
  • The 12th DIAFF sells all of its seats through advance reservations made online for free.
    However, the tickets that weren’t sold out through advance reservations will be made available for purchase at the on-site ticket booths.
  • All seats are operated as non-designated seats (NO seat reservations can be made)
  • Only 1 ticket per person is available for each screening, and ticket transfers are prohibited.
    • Please make group inquiries for purchases of over 5 tickets.

      * If one person or a group reserves more than 1 ticket and sells or shares them through events without authorization or tries to commit a fraudulent act such as monopolize the screening, the Secretariat has the right to cancel all the tickets in a lump.

    • Those who have difficulty with online reservations (e.g. the elderly, the disabled, children, etc. ) should make personal inquiries.

      * Inquiries for Ticket Reservations: kmin0630@ifc.or.kr / +82) 070-5208-0666

  • Identification will be checked in front of the theater prior to the screening of films rated R and NC-17.
  • Cases of over two no-shows after reserving tickets may be given a disadvantage or a penalty for further participation in future film festivals. If you do not wish to attend the screening any longer after making a reservation, please cancel it.
  • No-show tickets for sold-out films will be made available at the on-site queues. On-site waiting can be done in front of the ticket booths 20 minutes prior to screening, and no-show tickets will be made available by order of arrival after the screening begins. and the no-show seats are identified. (Admissions delayed by 3-10 minutes)

    * Self-made queues or lists by the audience members for the screenings will not be approved.

Reservation Cancellations
  • Online Reservations Possible time range for Cancellations: Personal Cancellation up until each screening starts
  • Offline Site Ticketing: Possible time range for Cancellations: On-site Cancellations only before each screening starts
  • Cancellation Charges : None